MPD Copper-Gold Porphyry Project

  • 344 km2 land package in South-Central British Columbia, Canada; 100% owned
  • Porphyry project consolidated from four properties (Man, Prime, Dillard, Axe); never explored as single project with modern methods
  • In an active mining region in the Quesnel terrane, British Columbia’s primary copper-producing belt
  • Adjacent to highway with year-round access by service roads
  • Nicola Belt geology with similar characteristics to the neighbouring alkalic porphyry systems at Hudbay’s Copper Mountain Mine to the south and New Gold’s New Afton Mine to the north
Kdk Mpd Location Map Rework 0221 2025

Project Summary

  • Historic drilling: 470 drill holes (>66,000m) completed since the 60’s by previous operators. Copper and gold drill-confirmed across a large area. Mineralization from surface, historic drill holes rarely tested below 200m vertical depth
  • 148 drill holes (84,119m) completed since 2019 by Kodiak Copper Corp
  • Discovery of the Gate Zone in Kodiak’s 2019 maiden drill program
  • In 2020, transformative discovery of a high-grade copper-gold zone within wider mineralized envelope of significant size at the Gate Zone, highest grades in the 70-year+ history of property
  • Best intercept of 535m of 0.49% copper and 0.29 g/t gold, including 282 m of 0.70% copper and 0.49 g/t gold, including 45.7 m of 1.41% copper and 1.46 g/t gold 
  • Large drill programs in 2021 & 2022 (in total 48,000m) significantly extend the Gate Zone discovery to 1km x 350m, 900m depth and still open. Drilling continued to highlight significant copper-gold grades over substantial intervals
  • Discovery in 2022 of a mineralized trend parallel to Gate at the Prime Zone (400m x 200m, 750m depth to date)
  • TThe 2023 & 2024 programs drill-tested multiple targets, aiming to build critical mass and demonstrate MPD’s size potential. Results to date have significantly expanded mineralization at the Adit, West, Man and South Zones. The programs have shown that MPD hosts multiple kilometre-scale mineralized zones across the property, which include mineralization starting from surface and significant high-grade zones
  • In 2024 Kodiak introduced innovative AI software to optimize exploration and prioritize drilling more efficiently and cost-effectively
  • A maiden resource estimate for MPD is planned in 2025 which will include multiple mineralized zones. Results will be delivered as completed throughout the year, with initial results anticipated in Q1/2. With known mineralized zones open to expansion and more target areas yet to be tested ongoing exploration is planned for 2025 as well, including on the newly acquired MPD Northwest claims
  • Multi-phased environmental work plan includes water quality, hydrology, migratory/nesting bird, species at risk and incidental wildlife surveys. Progressive reclamation of all drill sites
  • Active engagement and information sharing with local First Nations. Local sourcing of supplies and services
  • Heritage surveys are conducted by local First Nations at all proposed work sites prior to any ground disturbance
  • We respectfully acknowledge that the MPD Project is located on the unceded homeland of the Nlaka’pamux and Syilx Okanagan Peoples’

Maps & Figures

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Jeff Ward, P.Geo, Vice President Exploration is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and has approved and verified the technical information produced by Kodiak in news releases and on this webpage. Historic data referenced herein is believed to be from reliable sources based on Kodiak’s review of available documentation and select verification work. However, the Company has not independently validated all historic work, and the reader is cautioned about its accuracy.